The Green Party is breaking records

Nominations have closed for this year’s local elections in England, and the Green Party of England and Wales is standing 3,322 candidates across the country. That means the party has a candidate in 41% of the seats that are up for election – a record proportion for the Greens. The last time these seats were up for election in 2019, the Greens had candidates in 30% of seats.

With over 3,000 candidates confirmed around 6% of the Green Party’s membership will be a candidate in the upcoming elections.

Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said: “In towns and cities and villages all across the country, Greens are gaining the trust and confidence of voters. Why? Because they want something different from the status quo. They want – and we hear this again and again – people who are really listening, not taking their support for granted and going about business as usual.

This news comes as the Green Party formally launched our local election campaign. You can watch the broadcast at the link below.

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